Don't we all love a good night's sleep, but don't we all miss one once in a while.
Not to mention, if you're a fab mommy you'll probably miss more good night's a week!
A healthy lifestyle consists of healthy food, happy thoughts, exercise, time to unwind and a good night's of sleep. Which for most of us, means getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. however, due to our busy lifestyles we're not always able to get as much as we need and for the most part rely on the weekends (mostly Sunday) to catch up.
A good night's sleep is just as important as eating and exercising. With a lack of sleep, we're not able to function as well as we should. We often feel fatigue during the day, because we lack of energy. We feel grumpy and become more impatient, which leads to feeling stressed in our already busy and sometimes hectic days. When we feel stressed or tired we tend to make poor food choices, and start craving stimulants such as caffeine, sugars and fatty comfort food. In short, we are not doing our body and mind any favours. It's actually the complete opposite.
A good night's sleep is just as important as eating and exercising. With a lack of sleep, we're not able to function as well as we should. We often feel fatigue during the day, because we lack of energy. We feel grumpy and become more impatient, which leads to feeling stressed in our already busy and sometimes hectic days. When we feel stressed or tired we tend to make poor food choices, and start craving stimulants such as caffeine, sugars and fatty comfort food. In short, we are not doing our body and mind any favours. It's actually the complete opposite.
With all of this knowledge about 'healthy life, happy life', you would think that we would prioritise our time to sleep. Sadly, we don't, because the power moms are up by dawn making sure that everyone's up and running and this doesn't stop until the last offsprings off to bed. The career girls are the first ones to arrive at the office and the last to go home, because a dream doesn't' become reality through magic, it takes hard work. Or, the restless ones that need a quick social media fix before bed. Social media posts that can make you feel more anxious than any sugar hit can give and deprive you of your much needed sleep. Either way the bottom line is, we don't get enough sleep. So, what can we do to have a good night's of sleep?
First of all, make sleep a priority. Schedule your bedtime, preferably each day of the week and if possible, include the weekends. By doing this every night, you're starting to create a 'sleeping habit' and over time there's a great chance that your body will adapt to this new routine. There's no negotiation and even if I wake up early the next day, chances are that I'll still feel rested during the day, because I regularly do get enough sleep. Also with a set bedtime, I am more conscious about my time in the evening. For example, if I have certain chores to do, I'm actually forcing myself to do these before bedtime or if there's not enough time. Then it's fine and I'll finish them the following day. It's for some part about prioritising your time to play and rest. Your new daily mantra could be,
'I don't cheat on sleep'.
Having a 'social media' check before or in bed is very tempting. It may seem like a mindless thing to do, but in the process we don't really relax. For example, we're looking into our lives and activities. looking at others peoples lives, looking at food and all of these things calls for certain (mixed) emotions before bedtime. There are times when social media do make us feel relaxed when we're looking at happy, humorous memes, but sometimes it can also be a place where we feel not as good as we should about ourselves and or our lives and this makes us think. We start to worry and sometimes worry turn into (unhealthy) anxiety and stress.
Therefor, I believe, that it could be best to swap your mobile for a more relaxing occupation. Such as taking a warm bath, meditate for a few minutes, read a few pages of your new book, have pillow talk with your loved one or just plain sex. Feeling connected with your partner makes you feel happy, relaxed and loved. All the positive emotions that we're actually looking for.
Basically, you're probably better off doing things that'll make you feel good about yourself. Occupations that'll make you feel chilled and support a feeling of inner peace. All of these options could about 10-45 minutes of your time. it's what you have can or will give yourself on a regular base. Personally, I believe you're worth it. Take some time to invest in 'you'.
Depending on your personal health, first get informed about what you should and shouldn't eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Try a balanced diet, don't go to bed hungry and avoid empty calorie snacks. As these will not give you the fuel your body needs to achieve your daily goals with a good dose of energy. As You need to start feeding your body with certain types of food that are high in vitamins and trigger a rise in your much needed hormones such a Melatonine. Which is often linked to a good night's of sleep and can be found in complex carbs, a handful of nuts, warm milk and certain types of fruit.
The way you feel before going to bed is just as important as the way you feel when wearing your favourite black dress. You should feel happy and good about yourself. Grateful for all you have today and ready to take on tomorrow.
Here are some tempting sleepwear items to make going to bed on a regular a habit and that much easier. You'll be longing for (more) bedtime in no time. Take look at the good, the fun and the sexy ones. Also, feel free to comment and share your best tips for a good night's sleep.
Have a good day and an better night!
Love YS -X-
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