Taking back control

The reason for writing this post comes from a place of wanting to do better and ditch a few bad food habits of my own. I would love to control my food cravings better and get to a place of overall peace.

For example, haven eaten two large portions of double chocolate brownies last Saturday (big enough for four people). The excitement of the first bite seemed to have disappeared during the aftermath. Staring at an empty package, knowing that my body now contains so much sugar that is definitely going to leave my sugar levels dancing all over the place, ending in an all time low. Looking in the mirror and thinking, we have done it again. I believe, that we all should allow yourself to give in to a craving ones in a while if our body asks for it, but why aren’t we craving healthy food choices? Why do we excess on the sugary, the salty and the fatty and not on the healthy?
My thoughts on why we make the same bad food choices over and over again are:
The need to feel comforted and yes, chocolate has the ability to do this. Adding, that this is a short lived feeling. It starts with the first bite and ends with the last. This type of comfort has proven, on many occasions, that this may not be the best choice. We are so time consumed sometimes that ‘ready snacks’ have an easy access and instant satisfaction. And again, this feeling of satisfaction usually does not last long.
"Note to self, learn to practice mind over emotions (this will be the next blog post ;)"
It’s addictive, processed food has been tweaked to satisfy our taste senses. They push all of our food pleasure buttons. Which makes them taste so damn delicious! And last but not least. ‘Hey, we only live once, go on, have yourself a treat you deserve it!’
Yes, I remember having used this line numerous times, when the craving was simply too big to handle and having to justify it to myself. Also on occasion, adding the following line “we’ll balance it out in the next few days. No worries. I’ll have a salad for lunch tomorrow”.
Having a sugar craving one in a while, should not be a risk to your healthy lifestyle. However, how do we curb this urge to once every month instead of every week? What are the benefits of a 29 day lifestyle of pure health and one craving? Is it possible to achieve this kind of self control and doing it on your own. A new you that is in control?
Although I have not managed to go a full month without any sweet treats, I do believe, I am on the right track. There are a few choices and tweaks we can do to stay on the right track and avoid these sudden desires. To have more of an understanding as to why we feel the need to crave and what we can do to take back control. I have teamed up with Yogi Regilio Lont, Yoga teacher and Orthomolecure Therapist based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Together we will provide you with a few helpful tips below to implement into your daily routine. 
1. Come to understand what it is that you are craving
Sometimes the craving comes from a feeling of looking for comfort. Feeling sad, lonely, empty or just plain bored. These types of emotions activates our stress and trigger hormones and chemicals in our brains that stimulate cravings. They create a need to fill ourselves. This means, that if we are feeling emotionally empty our body feels the urge to crave food that feeds into these emotions. And these emotions usually feel fed with sugary, salty or fatty food types.
If you enjoy these type of sugary, salty or fatty foods, when done in moderation, then there can be an actual feeling of fulfilment. However, when we overeat this emotional feeling of emptiness is only fuelled more, leaving you feeling even worse about yourself.
Therefor a better approach would be to find out what makes you feel emotional empty. Take a good look inside and find ways to fill this feeling with positive solutions. For example, grabbing juice, enjoying a caffeine free coffee or tea break with a friend. take a long walk and inhale some fresh air, talk about exciting new adventures prospects in your life or create them with a clear vision and goal to live towards to. Whatever it is you love to do, find out and actively pursue them. Do things that make you feel happy and whole again from the inside. 
2. Not enough sleep and feeling tired
When you are feeling tired it simply means that you are having trouble to stay above your game whilst feeling less energetic and not able to give a little extra. If this is the case, then you should try to give your body and mind the rest it deserves. Getting enough sleep on a daily base, approximately 7-8 hours is advised. Les than this leads to activation of the stress hormones and increased cortisol levels in the body. Which ultimately leads to feeling tired, moody and having the urge to crave sugary foods. Try to get enough sleep and rest. After a while you will notice that you are feeling less stressed, have more focus and in that you are able to get control of your cravings. 
3. Check your nutrient intake 
Is your body being filled with the right nutrients? Make sure to eat well by ensuring a good balance of the following nutrients: water, carbohydrates, protein-amino acids, fat, vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids. A lack of, makes your body crave more and more food while feeling fatigue and less energetic. If you want to find out what a good balance is for you, there are many Food Nutritionists that you can consult for a more direct and personal approach. Or, if you want to know how your body reacts to certain types of food you can consult an Orthomolecular Therapist.
4. Control what’s in your fridge
It’s the most simple and logical step in taking control over what you eat at home. Don’t buy it! And with ‘it’ we mean the unhealthy sugary, salty and fatty food types. You have the choice to buy healthy food that fuels your body and feeds it the much craved nutritions. If your fridge is filled with healthy foods, you are more likely to eat healthy. 
Try to go shopping with a list, make sure to make this list at a time when you are relaxed and not tired or stressed. When you are in a state of fulfilment and ready to own this beautiful new day, preferably in the morning, this is the moment to create your grocery list. Limit your trips and time you spend at the grocery store to reduce the temptation that‘s all around you, once you’ve entered your grocery store. Also, it is best to go after having a good meal and not at the end of your workday. This is when you tend to feel tired, rushed and ready to eat anything that comes your way.

5. Practice stress reduction. 
Lowering the amount of stress on a daily base makes you feel more calm, balanced and in control. You are able to control the cravings, because you feel good about yourself and your body reacts to this with cortisol levels that are low. How to feel less stressed? Give meditation a try focus on your mindset and breathing if only a few minutes. Start your day from a place of peace and tranquility. Set your alarm 15 minutes before everyone else wakes up, because this is your time to gather your thoughts and plan out your day.
6. Take time to reflect on last week’s food choices
Take a moment of your time, if possible, every two weeks or once a month to reflect on the past food choices you’ve made. Do you feel that there is space for improvement? If so, search the web for healthy food recipes or add a few healthier tweaks to your current ones. Try to visit a reformed food store or local farmers market and get inspired. Have a look at what they are offering and start a conversation about healthier options. For example, switching the use of sugar with organic honey. If it’s too expensive, get creative and find out which grocery store (online) offers the best deal. Get enthusiastic about cooking by sharing your new gained knowledge with your kids, family and friends. Their support and positive feedback will make you feel accomplished, wanting to share more and wanting to do better each time.
7. Be prepared
Make sure to have stocked your fridge with different instant go-to-snacks that are healthy options. Include them on your weekly shopping list, then there is no need to go out and buy last minute sugary treats. Also make a list of all the activities that make you happy. Then, when a craving comes up, you will instead choose to go for a long walk, participate in a yoga class, take a nice warm bath or read a good book. Anything that makes you feel relaxed and fulfilled and happy.
Hope you enjoyed reading and found this article helpful. Know that we have shared our tips, maybe you have a few of your own that you would like to share with us.

Have a wonderful day!

Love Yardena X
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