Sometimes it's best to turn your emotions off and just do it!
As I am writing this piece I am trying to stay focused on the positive. Keep my creative energy up, put my thoughts into words and trying not to sigh every 10 seconds, because copy-paste isn't as quickly as it could be.
It has been quite a few months of me building my blog, the writing of the pieces, editing and adding all the images, in short everything that comes with creating a blog. The idea to start a blog came from a place of wanting to create, create something that was new, a breath of fresh air and something to release all my creative energy into it. Those who know me, know that I have always been interested in fashion and it sounds very cheesy, but it definitely is something that I am passioned about. It's not be the only thing, but I do love looking, reading and sharing my thoughts about past and current style eras
Anyways, I started in November 2018 with a few notes and ideas, these ideas turned into action and as a result I created a beautiful fashion Blog with Squarspace. It was everything I dreamed of, it was a 'millennial' proved slick theme, with many options for picture editing, clean minimal layout and social options. Many up-to-date fonts, spacings, liners and video input and much more to create this Magazine like look. Not to mention the almost 24 hours a day customer service. The people working there are amazing! I have never encountered different talented and helpful people at any time of the day. As I am not 'millennial' proof when it comes to technical issues when setting up a blog. So, whenever I needed help and the help-center would not be sufficient, they would make a customised video with instructions for me. So, why would I switch to blogger? The service was great for a a-technical person like me, the layout was flawless and the monthly fee was only 11,00.
Even though it had a lot of my desired features, there was still something that resulted in me noticing a few features of my likes on another theme. A Blogspot theme. Blogspot? Yes, I said it right. To most of you (savvy bloggers) Blogspot is a basic starting form, the training wheel version until you get your own website or making a crossover to Wordpress or Squarspace. Not for me, I started with Squarspace and are now in the midst of transitioning to Blogspot.
Let me start by telling what I look for in a blog, I want a blog that is:
1. Easy to maintain
2. Easy to set-up
3. Has a clean minimal look and feel
Squarspace ticked all of these boxes and more, nonetheless there were a few key reasons why I decided to make the switch.
As the months passed and I was working on my blog content I had created 16 blogposts in the past five months. The price tag for this beautiful theme is 11,00 a month, it's is not that much and very reasonable. However, my blog is not making any money at this point, so why would I invest without gaining at least the same amount back. Also there are e few features which Squarspace does not support and those are, having a side bar, which I love. I love the display options and the fact that it is a small summary about me, what I like and my recent posts. Also adding codeblocks is possible, but this sometimes does not look in sync with the rest of the website and makes it stand out in a less harmonious way. Widgets are not supported by Squarspace, meaning that there are a limited of add-ons for your theme. Which is perfectly fine if you don't wish to add little playful extra's to your blog. But when you do love a playful look and like to add a widget and customise your blog layout then switching to Blogspot or Wordpress is a better pick for you.
My decision for choosing Blogspot is, because I wanted to have a easy to maintain website. This theme comes with an easy step-by-step set-up which means it was running within a day. Also, the chosen theme is something I absolutely loved when I first laid eyes on it, it resembles my blog theme on Squarspace. and last, this theme cost me, a one time investment of, €6,18 on sale!
For the tech-saffy, this would have been a two hour job ;)
So, to sum things up it was:
1. Cheaper
2. Easy to set-up, came with a step-by-step manual instructions
3. Has a few more customisable tweaks to add on with the use of widgets and HTLM coding
4. Great shopping display functions e.g. to support your Shopstyle product widgets
I'm very pleased with the outcome and hope to enjoy this blog for a long time to come. Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Feel free to ask me anything or share your thoughts about your favourite blog theme that you're passioned about.
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